Thursday, October 20, 2011

Late Shift and Photo Fixing

Late night working again! At least I get to go through my photos for the winter jewelry collection and prepare the products for the shop. Can't complain;)

A tiny taste of how it will look like!!




  1. What do you do for work?

    That dress is fab!

  2. Thanks sweetheart <3 One of my favourite dresses!! Just waiting for the right occasion to wear it;)

    My late night working is as a hostess for focus group surveys:) It's for the same company as I work for in day time, but then I'm in the front desk. When working for the focus groups I get a few hours in between for myself, waiting for them to get done. A perfect job if you have some other thing on the side you can do while there;)

  3. Super cute (the photo AND the earrings).

    And for a dress like that, just make up an occasion so you can wear it ;)

  4. Just found your blog - and you JEWELRY! I love them! Nice work! :)

  5. Thanks GF <3

    Hhaha You're right, if the occasion don't come I will have to make up one!!:) It's too pretty to just hang as decor in the closet..

  6. Thanks for your compliments and wonderful feedback, Miss Meadows!! Glad that you found me in the blog jungle;)


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