Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween To Ya'll;)

Wish you all a great Halloween!! Happy trick'r'treating, haunting, or the more relaxed version whitch we are enjoing on our side.. After the big party yesterday which took it's toll on everybody;) We're spending our All Hollow's Eve cozed up in the sofa, watching Supernatural and stuffing our self with candy! Seems just perfect right now:)

Bringing you some more photos of those lovely, irresistible, Halloween darlins' from the 30's, 40's and 50's... Enjoy!

Paulette Goddard, Miss Halloween 1939...

(Photos found via Google search)


  1. yeeeey, thanks for the party! ble rimelig fulle og dro hjem tidlig... håper dere hadde en skikkelig kos fest! så gjennomført! :)

  2. Hahha And it was a good one;) Thanks!! Great to see you all, sad you had to leave so early.. But we had great fun! The party got quite crazy after the second shot of whiskey..:D


Leave me a scream, if you're peeking in..